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come into contact with

下面围绕“come into contact with”主题解决网友的困惑

come into contact with是什么意思

[例句]The honest answer is that historical change occurs when sparks come into contact with kindling.可靠的答案是当星星之火接触到可燃物时,历史变革自然...

come into contact with是什么意思

come into contact with 接触到

“在现实中接触” 英文怎么说

Come into contact with reality 重点词汇释义 现实reality; real; actual; actuality; flesh and blood 接触contact; touch; get in touch with; come into conta...


1. come into contact with 2. have dealing with 3. to deal with Examples:1. 还是我直接跟他打交道为好 I prefer to deal with him direct.2. 阿诺德可能是一个...

英语翻译。这里为什么有come into 呢?能不能去掉?

come into本身有撞见某人,偶遇某人的意思,come into contact with,与……接触,与……联系,contact有两个词性,...

She comes into contact with many people.什么意思

come into contact with 接触到;和...接触,碰到 这句话就是说 她很多人接触(打交道).还有几个例子:1. Nobody comes into contact with such meanful person.对于...



who come into contact with,这是有什么短语吗

come into加入 contact with联系 尽管中间名通常不为大部分刚刚产生联系的人所知晓,它仍然很重要。

contact sb还是contact with的区别是什么?

1、contact sb:contact的基本意思是“接触”“联系”,用于物时指相互紧密接触,用于人时指通过写信、电话、见面等方式直接联系,但身体未必接触。2、contact with:...


可用于被动结构。(3)表示“开始与某人接触”时,可以用以下来两种表达方式:come into contact with和come in con...

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